Google Analytics User Permissions & Access Levels – Tutorial

This article is in conjunction with the article ‘Google Analytics Account Structure and Governance’ where I explained the Google Analytics account structure and how to set up properties and views in the event, when you own/manage multiple websites and/or mobile apps.

Make sure to read this article, in order to get the best out of the present article.

User Management at Account Level

When you navigate to Google Analytics Admin, you see the option to change ‘user management’ settings under the ‘Account’ column:

google analytics user permissions

Click on the ‘User Management’ link to set/change user management settings for the ‘Account Users’.

When you click on the ‘User Management’ link, you will see the list of all the current account users along with their name, email address, and the type of permissions they have got:

account users 1

In the context of user management in Google Analytics, there are three types of users:

  1. Account Users
  2. Property Users
  3. View Users
account property view users

You as a GA user probably fall into one, more or all of the aforesaid categories.

Introduction to Account Users

Account users are the GA users who are assigned one or more of the following permissions at the Google Analytics account level:

  1. ‘Edit’ permission
  2. ‘Collaborate’ permission
  3. ‘Read & Analyze’ permission
  4. ‘Manage Users’ permission
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The ‘Edit’ Permission at the Account Level

At the ‘account’ level, the ‘edit’ permission allows you to add/edit/delete a GA account and any/all of the properties, views, filters, goals, etc in that account.  

If you are assigned ‘Edit’ permission at the account level then you:

#1 Automatically inherit ‘Edit’ permission for all the GA properties and views in your account and this ‘Edit’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual property and/or view (unless you first revoke the ‘edit’ permission at the account level).

#2 Automatically inherit: ‘Collaborate’ and ‘Read & Analyze’ permissions for all the GA properties and views in your account and these permissions cannot be revoked for any individual property and/or view (unless you first revoke the ‘edit’ permission at the account level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘manage users’ permission regardless of the level (account, property or view) at which you were assigned the ‘edit’ permission.

Personal Assets in Google Analytics

In the context of Google Analytics, the following are examples of personal assets:

The ‘Collaborate’ Permission at the Account Level

At the ‘account’ level, the ‘Collaborate’ permission allows you to create, share, and collaborate on personal assets for any/all of the properties & views in that account.  

If you are assigned ‘Collaborate’ permission at the account level then you:

#1 Automatically inherit ‘Collaborate’ permission for all the GA properties and views in your account and this ‘Collaborate’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual property and/or view (unless you first revoke the ‘collaborate’ permission at the account level).

#2 Automatically inherit ‘Read & Analyze’ permissions for all the GA properties and views in your account and these permissions cannot be revoked for any individual property and/or view (unless you first revoke the ‘collaborate’ permission at the account level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘Edit’ or ‘manage users’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property or view) at which you were assigned the ‘collaborate’ permission.

The ‘Read & Analyze’ Permission at the Account Level

At the ‘account’ level, the ‘Read & Analyze’ permission allow you to do following for any/all of the properties & views in that account:

  • See report and configuration data.
  • Manipulate data within reports via reporting filters, advanced segments, secondary dimension, etc.
  • Create and share personal assets.

If you are assigned ‘Read & Analyze’ permission at the account level then you automatically inherit ‘Read & Analyze’ permission for all the GA properties and views in your account and this ‘Read & Analyze’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual property and/or view (unless you first revoke the ‘Read & Analyze’ permission at the account level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘edit’, ‘collaborate’, and ‘manage users’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property, or view) at which you were assigned the ‘read and analyze’ permission.

The ‘Manage Users’ Permission at the Account Level

At the ‘account’ level, the ‘manage users’ permission allow you to add/delete GA users and assign them other permissions for any/all of the properties & views in that account.  

If you are assigned ‘manage users’ permission at the account level then you automatically inherit ‘manage users’ permission for all the GA properties and views in your account and this ‘manage users’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual property and/or view (unless you first revoke the ‘manage users’ permission at the account level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘edit’, ‘collaborate’, ‘read & analyze’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property, or view) at which you were assigned the ‘manage users’  permission.

Moving Down the Hierarchy of Account > Property > View

As you move down the hierarchy (Account > Property > View) you can give more permissions to a user, but not fewer.

For example, if a user has Read & Analyze permission at an account level, he automatically inherits ‘Read and Analyze’ permission at all properties and views level.

But you can also assign him ‘edit’ permission at an individual property or view level.

On the other hand, if a user has ‘Edit permission’ at the account level, you can’t limit his permission to just ‘Read & Analyze’ at any of the property or ‘view’ level.

How to Add an Account User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Account’ section:

user management

Step-3: Click on the ‘+’ button and then click on ‘Add users’:

add users

Step-4: Enter the email address of the new user and then grant the permission(s) you want to assign to the account user by clicking on the checkbox next to each permission:

assign permission

How to Change the Permission of an Account User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Account’ section:

user management

Step-3: Click on the listing of the user whose permission you want to change:

click on the listing3

Step-4: Click on the appropriate button(s) to change the permission(s):

change permission

How to Remove an Account User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Account’ section:

user management

Step-3: Click on the ‘Remove Access’ button next to the Account user you want to remove:

click here to remove a user
remove access

How to Find the List of GA Accounts a User Has Got Access To

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Account’ section:

user management

Step-3: Click on the ‘View user’s account details’ button next to the view user:

view account details

You can now see the list of all GA accounts the user has got access to.

User Management at Property Level

When you navigate to Google Analytics Admin, you get the option to change ‘user management’ settings at the property level:

user management

Click on the ‘User Management’ link to set/change user management settings for the ‘Property Users’.

When you click on the ‘User Management’ link, you will see the list of all the current property users along with their name, email address, and the type of permissions they have got:

property users 2

Remember, in the context of user management in Google Analytics, there are three types of users:

  1. Account Users
  2. Property Users
  3. View Users

Introduction to Property Users

Property users are the GA users who are assigned one or more of the following permissions at the Google Analytics property level:

  1. ‘Edit’ permission
  2. ‘Collaborate’ permission
  3. ‘Read & Analyze’ permission
  4. ‘Manage Users’ permission

The ‘Edit’ Permission at the Property Level

At the ‘property’ level the ‘edit’ permission allows you to add/edit/delete a GA property and any/all of the views, filters, goals, etc in that property.

If you are assigned ‘Edit’ permission at the property level then you:

#1 Automatically inherit ‘Edit’ permission for all the GA views in your property and this ‘Edit’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual view (unless you first revoke the ‘edit’ permission at the account or property level).

#2 Automatically inherit: ‘Collaborate’ and ‘Read & Analyze’ permissions for all the views in your property and these permissions cannot be revoked for any individual view (unless you first revoke the ‘edit’ permission at the account or property level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘manage users’ permission regardless of the level (account, property or view) at which you were assigned the ‘edit’ permission.

The ‘Collaborate’ Permission at the Property Level

At the ‘property’ level the ‘Collaborate’ permission allows you to create, share, and collaborate on personal assets for any/all of the views in that property.  

If you are assigned ‘Collaborate’ permission at the property level then you:

#1 Automatically inherit ‘Collaborate’ permission for all the GA views in your property and this ‘Collaborate’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual view (unless you first revoke the ‘collaborate’ permission at the account or property level).

#2 Automatically inherit ‘Read & Analyze’ permissions for all the views in your property and these permissions cannot be revoked for any individual view (unless you first revoke the ‘collaborate’ permission at the account or property level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘Edit’ or ‘manage users’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property or view) at which you were assigned the ‘collaborate’ permission.

The ‘Read & Analyze’ Permission at the Property Level

At the ‘property’ level, the ‘Read & Analyze’ permission allow you to do following for any/all of the views in the property:

  1. See report and configuration data.
  2. Manipulate data within reports via reporting filters, custom segments, secondary dimension, etc.
  3. Create and share personal assets.

If you are assigned ‘Read & Analyze’ permission at the property level then you automatically inherit ‘Read & Analyze’ permission for all the GA views in your property and this ‘Read & Analyze’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual view (unless you first revoke the ‘Read & Analyze’ permission at the account or property level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘edit’, ‘collaborate’, and ‘manage users’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property, or view) at which you were assigned the ‘read and analyze’ permission.

The ‘Manage Users’ Permission at the Property Level

At the ‘property’ level the ‘manage users’ permission allow you to add/delete GA users and assign them other permissions for any/all of the views in that property.   

If you are assigned ‘manage users’ permission at the property level then you automatically inherit ‘manage users’ permission for all the GA views in your property and this ‘manage users’ permission cannot be revoked for any individual view (unless you first revoke the ‘manage users’ permission at the account or property level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘edit’, ‘collaborate’, ‘read & analyze’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property, or view) at which you were assigned the ‘manage users’  permission.

How to Add a Property User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account or property level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Property’ column:

user management 2

Step-3Click on the ‘+’ button and then click on ‘Add users’:

add users

Step-4: Enter the email address of the new user and then grant the permission(s) you want to assign to the property user by clicking on the checkbox next to each permission:

assign permission

How to Change the Permission of a Property User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account or property level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Property’ column:

user management 2

Step-3: Click on the listing of the user whose permission you want to change:

click on the listing2

Step-4: Click on the appropriate button(s) to change the permission(s):

change permission

How to Remove a Property User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account or property level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Property’ column:

user management 2

Step-3: Click on the ‘Remove Access’ button next to the Property user you want to remove:

remove property user
remove access

How to Find the List of GA Properties a User has Access To

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account or property level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘Property’ column:

user management 2

Step-3: Click on the ‘View user’s account details’ button next to the view user:

view account details

You can then see the list of all the GA properties, the user has got access to.

User Management at View Level

When you navigate to Google Analytics Admin, you get the option to change ‘user management’ settings at the view level:

user management

Click on the ‘User Management’ link to set/change user management settings for the ‘View Users’.

When you click on the ‘User Management’ link, you will see the list of all the current view users along with their name, email address, and the type of permissions they have got:

view permissions

Remember, in the context of user management in Google Analytics, there are three types of users:

  1. Account Users
  2. Property Users
  3. View Users
types of users

You as a GA user probably fall into one, more or all of the aforesaid categories.

Introduction to View Users

View users are the GA users who are assigned one or more of the following permissions at the Google Analytics view level:

  1. ‘Edit’ permission
  2. ‘Collaborate’ permission
  3. ‘Read & Analyze’ permission
  4. ‘Manage Users’ permission

The ‘Edit’ Permission at the View Level

At the ‘view’ level the ‘edit’ permission allows you to add/edit/delete a GA view and any/all of the filters, goals, etc in that view.

If you are assigned ‘Edit’ permission at a view level then you automatically inherit: ‘Collaborate’ and ‘Read & Analyze’ permissions for your view and these permissions cannot be revoked for that view (unless you first revoke the ‘edit’ permission at the view level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘manage users’ permission regardless of the level (account, property or view) at which you were assigned the ‘edit’ permission.

The ‘Collaborate’ Permission at the View Level

At the ‘view’ level the ‘Collaborate’ permission allows you to create, share, and collaborate on personal assets in that view. 

Following are examples of personal assets:

  • Custom segments
  • Annotations
  • Attribution models
  • Channel groupings
  • Custom alerts
  • Dashboards
  • Custom reports
  • Saved reports etc

If you are assigned ‘Collaborate’ permission at a view level then you automatically inherit ‘Read & Analyze’ permission for that view and this permission cannot be revoked for the view (unless you first revoke the ‘collaborate’ permission at the view level).

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘Edit’ or ‘manage users’ permissions regardless of the level (account, property or view) at which you were assigned the ‘collaborate’ permission.

The ‘Read & Analyze’ Permission at the View Level

At the ‘view’ level, the ‘Read & Analyze’ permission allow you to do following for the view:

  1. See report and configuration data.
  2. Manipulate data within reports via reporting filters, custom segments, secondary dimensions, etc.
  3. Create and share personal assets.

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘edit’ and ‘collaborate’ permissions when you are assigned ‘read and analyze’ permission regardless of the level (account, property, or view) at which you were assigned the permission.

The ‘Manage Users’ Permission at the View Level

At the ‘view’ level the ‘manage users’ permission allow you to add/delete GA users and assign them other permissions for that view.  

Note: You do not automatically inherit ‘edit’, ‘collaborate’, ‘read & analyze’ permissions when you are assigned ‘manage users’ permission regardless of the level (account, property, or view) at which you were assigned the permission.

Moving Down the Hierarchy of Account > Property > View

As you move down the hierarchy (Account > Property > View) you can give more permissions to a user, but not fewer.

For example, if a user has Read & Analyze permission at an account level, he automatically inherits ‘Read and Analyze’ permission at all properties and views level. But you can also assign him ‘edit’ permission at an individual property or view level.

On the other hand, if a user has ‘Edit permission’ at the account level, you can’t limit his permission to just ‘Read & Analyze’ at any of the property or ‘view’ level.

How to Add a View User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account, property, or view level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘view’ column:

user management

Step-3: Click on the ‘+’ button and then click on ‘Add users’:

add users

Step-4: Enter the email address of the new user and then grant the permission(s) you want to assign to the view user by clicking on the checkbox next to each permission:

assign permission

How to Change the Permission of a View User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account, property, or view level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘view’ column.

Step-3: Click on the listing of the user whose permission you want to change:

click on the listing

Step-4: Click on the appropriate button(s) to change the permission(s):

change permission

How to Remove a View User

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account, property or view level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘view’ column.

Step-3: Click on the ‘Remove Access’ button next to the view user you want to remove:

remove property user
remove access

How to Find the List of GA Views a User has Access To

Step-1: First make sure that you have got the ‘manage users’ permission at the account, property, or view level.

Step-2: Click on the ‘user management’ link under the ‘view’ column.

Step-3: Click on the ‘View user’s account details’ button next to the view user:

view account details


#1 A user with “edit” permissions at the account level will automatically have “edit” permissions at which other levels?

The user will automatically have ‘edit’ permission at the property and view level.

#2 If you create a new user at the property level, what does the user inherit access to?

The user inherit access to all the views of that property.

#3 Analytics: “failed to register users” when attempting to add another email address to Analytics

You are likely to see this error message when you try to add/access more than 100 Google Analytics account via your Google Account email.

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Attribution modelling is the process of determining the most effective marketing channels for investment. This book has been written to help you implement attribution modelling. It will teach you how to leverage the knowledge of attribution modelling in order to allocate marketing budget and understand buying behaviour.

Attribution Modelling in Google Ads and Facebook
This book has been written to help you implement attribution modelling in Google Ads (Google AdWords) and Facebook. It will teach you, how to leverage the knowledge of attribution modelling in order to understand the customer purchasing journey and determine the most effective marketing channels for investment.

About the Author

Himanshu Sharma

  • Founder,
  • Over 15 years of experience in digital analytics and marketing
  • Author of four best-selling books on digital analytics and conversion optimization
  • Nominated for Digital Analytics Association Awards for Excellence
  • Runs one of the most popular blogs in the world on digital analytics
  • Consultant to countless small and big businesses over the decade