Postbacks in Google Analytics Explained

What are Postbacks in Google Analytics?

Postbacks (or Mobile App Postbacks) allow Google Analytics to ping (send conversion data) a third party mobile advertising network whenever it detects a mobile app install (‘first launch’) or in-app conversion (like transaction) from that network.

Following are the examples of third-party mobile advertising networks which Google Analytics can currently ping:

  1. Aarki
  2. AdColony
  3. InMobi
  4. Jampp
  5. Leadbolt
  6. MdotM
  7. Millennial Media (now known as ‘One by AOL’)
  8. Millennial Media DSP
  9. Tapjoy

The postback data sent by Google Analytics, help mobile ad networks in optimizing their ad campaigns for app installs, sales and other conversions.

Postback conversion data allows app marketers to optimize their ad spend and generate more effective CPAs (cost per acquisitions).

Prerequisite for using the Postback in Google Analytics

Before you can enable and use Postback in GA, you would need to configure iOS install tracking or Android campaign tracking.

Through Google Analytics iOS App Install Tracking you can determine which of your ad campaigns generated most mobile app installs, sales and other conversions.

You can achieve the same objective with Android campaign tracking for your Android apps.

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How to enable Postback for your GA property

Postbacks are enabled in GA at the property level.

Follow the steps below to enable the ‘Postback’ feature in GA for a particular third party mobile ad network:

Step-1:  Navigate to the ‘Admin’ section of your GA account and then click on the link called ‘Postbacks’ under the ‘Property’ column:

Postbacks in Google Analytics

Step-2: Click on the ‘+Add new’ button:

add new button 1

Step-3: Select the mobile ad network which you want GA to ping whenever it detects a mobile app install or in-app conversion, from the drop-down menu:

select ad network

Step-4: Click on the ‘Next Step’ button and then select the reporting view to which you want the app install and/or in-app conversions associated with:

select a view

Step-5: Select the type of conversion (‘First Launch’ or ‘Transaction’) you want to send, to the selected ad network:

select conversion type

Step-6: Click on the ‘Next Step’ button and then click on the ‘Done’ button:

done button

Once you clicked on the ‘Done’ button, your ad network will be listed in the postbacks table:

postbacks table

About Mobile Ad Network Parameters

Some mobile ad networks ask for ID (like app ID, account ID, Goal ID, Event ID etc) in order to identify your app in their systems.

In the context of postbacks, such IDs are called ‘Network parameters’.

Depending upon the ad network you selected, GA may ask you to enter network parameters while creating a postback.

For example, if you want GA to ping the ‘Tapjoy’ ad network, whenever it detects a mobile app install or in-app conversion then you would need to input the network parameter while creating the postback:

add network parameters postbacks

Removing a mobile ad network

remove ad network

If you want to remove a mobile ad network from receiving pings from GA then click on the checkbox, next to the ad network’s name and then click on the ‘Remove’ button:

Changing the settings of an Ad network

Click on the network name (in blue color) to change/edit its settings:

change settings ad network
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About the Author

Himanshu Sharma

  • Founder,
  • Over 15 years of experience in digital analytics and marketing
  • Author of four best-selling books on digital analytics and conversion optimization
  • Nominated for Digital Analytics Association Awards for Excellence
  • Runs one of the most popular blogs in the world on digital analytics
  • Consultant to countless small and big businesses over the decade